Student Association

University at Albany’s Student Association is the undergraduate student government. SA serves as student’s representative voice and focuses on initiatives to help make undergraduates experience the best it can be while providing student groups funded under Student Association the resources to thrive. The Executive Board is comprised of individuals responsible for carrying out the various day-to-day operations of Student Association. 

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SA Logo (1).png
Purple #46166B

Purple #46166B

Gold #EEB211

The Student Association is an initial stamp that replicates the University at Albany’s colors. This logo was originally meant to differentiate from the University’s logo. Although, they are both under the same brand.

While still adhering to the school’s media style, we recreate a logo that represents the Student Association.


Other names acquainted with the brand of Student Association: SA, Student Government.

empowering the student voice.



  • Establishing the Student Association as a consistent and cohesive brand

  • Initiating a more efficient and professional process with the management of media outlets and relationships with the press

  • Expanding our online presence to engage more undergraduate students through social media

  • Advocating for registered student organizations on campus through promotions



This social media platform is the largest and broadest in which I operated. As the undergraduate student government we govern 13,598 students and 200+ student clubs and student organization. In any given semester, we have 5,000 active students who follow the page.

The highest interactions for a single picture had 1,464 likes, 106 comments, 302 shares, and twenty saves.

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The Posh Daily


Albany Symphony