Nyla McKenzie is a self-taught artist. While she specializes in painting and is what she most enjoys, she is familiar with most forms of art and hopes to master them all some day. She is currently curating her own literary magazine, called As It’s Been Told, a literary magazine in that creates a powerhouse for all creatives, Unlike traditional literary magazines, As It’s Been Told not only supports creative writers and visual artists but covers areas like music, cinematography, and so much more. She has many projects underway and hope you stay in tune for what is yet to come.

Nyla is originally from Brooklyn, NY. However, she spends the majority of the year in Albany, NY where she is the Development and Marketing Assistant at Albany Symphony.

Detailed Biography

“Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.” - Paul Rand

Nyla McKenzie - Isaac is recent graduate from the University at Albany. She majored in English and Visual Arts with a minor in Journalism. Both born and raised in Brooklyn, Nyla always had a knack for creativity through both visual art and digital art. She has been graphic designing since middle school, painting since high school, all self-taught. While she specializes in painting and is what she most enjoys, she is familiar with most forms of art and hopes to master them all someday. She hopes to use all of her artistic talents to pursue a creative career within the media industry. 

Since entering University at Albany, Nyla has taken an active role within the Albany community. Starting as a general member of the Posh Daily, within a semester she was able to be elected into its executive board. She oversaw the production of marketing materials, managed the Posh Daily’s social media handles, and creatively led and directed a team of thirty of her peers. Two years later, she sits as the current Vice President.  Although The Posh Daily is the most involved marketing project she has participated in, she is also currently a part of the media teams at the Writing Center, UAlbany’s Black Coalition, ARCH Literary Magazine, and other clients located right on campus. She is currently a tutor at the English Department’s Writing Center, an intern at the UAlbany’s University Art Museum, and the President of Sigma Tau Delta, an International English Honor Society on campus. 

She is the embodiment of creativity. She turns fragile ideas into fruitful executions through her craft.  For the things she does not know, she seeks to learn. She wants to use this creativity and new profound role as the Director of Marketing to reflect her art to the same community in which helped her grow. With her own unique flair and attention to detail, she plans to intrigue and unite the community of UAlbany through branding and creative visual content.